Our visitors should expect to see our warmth and care for their soul and hopefully find that we are doctrinally sound so that they not only feel comfortable and know that they are loved but also to know that this is a good place for their soul to be for sustained spiritual growth, spirituality, and righteousness. They will see Christians striving to be all things that the scripture teaches about God’s people: loving, caring, sound doctrinally, concerned about people’s spiritual welfare, spiritual growth, and spiritual maturity.

If you are looking for a place to grow spiritually and to get engaged in the work, this is a good place to do that. The people there are good, hard workers who are interested in seeing souls saved. We want you to come and visit us. I think if you are serious about your religious life I believe you will have a positive experience here with our congregation, connect, and become a part of who we are. The fact that you are reading this shows that you have interest. We truly hope that this interest will lead to visiting the family that meets at Central church of Christ.