Juan Paiz has been the pulpit minister of the Spanish Congregation since 2011 when the brethren here at Central church of Christ believed that there was a necessity for a Hispanic work. There had been discussions and planning for several years before that about starting the work. We began to work and go out evangelizing including door knocking during the summer months. We invited people to visit and start a Hispanic bible class and perhaps a Hispanic work. Through the Lord’s help and blessings, we were able to find a couple of families that were interested in attending in Spanish and eventually became members here at Central working toward encouraging others to come, visit, and perhaps be added to the Lord’s Church.

What might a visitor expect when they visit our Spanish congregation?
They should expect what the Lord expects from us as Christians in the Lord’s Church, worshiping Him in spirit and in truth according to the New Testament pattern. Everything that is said and done is according to scripture, biblically sound, and following the doctrine of Christ and the apostles. We do everything we can to honor God and to obey Him in all things. That is what a visitor should come to see as we assemble as the saints and worship Him.
We invite Spanish speakers to visit us as not many other congregations in Central Texas have the blessing to have the opportunity to worship in either English or in Spanish. We also encourage you to visit our web page or Facebook page.