Central has many opportunities for spiritual growth and edification as well as outreach and benevolent activities. Here is a sample of “What’s going on at Central”:
We offer bible classes for all ages on Sunday morning and Wednesday evenings. We also have correspondence studies as well as offer private bible studies at the building or in your home. For more information on our bible classes, click here. For our other studies, contact us here.
In accordance to God’s word, we have many forms of outreach at Central including sponsoring missions around the world, sponsoring prospective preachers as they learn in school, offering worship service and bible classes at a local nursing home, and spreading the word via the Internet throughout the world.
Also, in accordance to God’s word, we are benevolent and offer a food pantry and as we can, temporary assistance to those in need.
Fellowship Opportunities
We have many fellowship opportunities throughout the year and invite not only our membership but others to participate as well.
Youth Activities
Our youth programs go beyond our bible classes and have included camps, devotionals, and other activities in the past.