Brother Kirk Tooley has been a pulpit minister at Central since 2003. He enjoys the work, fellowship, and opportunity to serve in the area. Kirk became a pulpit minister by first having the desire to do so, took action upon that desire, and studied at the Southwest School of Bible Studies here in Austin. There, he sat at the feet of sound spiritual Christian men who were guiding him to look into the scriptures and determine what God’s Word dictates on principles and commands. Brother Kirk received his bachelors degree in Bible Studies from the Heritage Christian University (HCU) Distance Learning program. He is currently working on his Masters of Ministry (MMin) at HCU. Brother Kirk teaches encouraging independent study with accurate interpretation of scriptures.
Kirk is married and has a daughter and two sons who are all grown. In relation to his wife Kirk says, “It is said, behind every good preacher is a good preacher’s wife. That is exactly what she is. She helps to be a source of strength. She’s also a good source for feeling the pulse of the congregation and also to check myself spiritually and emotionally. She has a good knowledge and understanding of scriptures and I think we complement each other a lot. We are striving to help each other to get to Heaven.”
According to brother Kirk, his main interests are inside the Church and all things pertaining to that. When He teaches a Bible class he prefers to have a good exchange of what the scripture teaches as well as thoughts and ideas. He also enjoys our young people because of their energy and their desire to learn. Kirk likes to be involved in our teen lectures, our youth camp, and a variety of other things we do now and have done in the past. He also appreciates our older members because of their wisdom and their love for the Church, for God, and their stance in standing strong for continued soundness in the congregation.
Outside of the church, Kirk enjoys college football and other collegiate sports. He has a love for music and also enjoys the many Dachshunds in his family’s house. They bring a lot of joy (and hard work) into their lives.